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I’m part of the book tour for The Colliding Worlds of Mina Lee! Author Ellen Oh is a former adjunct college instructor and lawyer with an insatiable curiosity for ancient Asian history. She loves K-pop, K-dramas, and eating good food that someone else cooks for her. She is fueled by Diet Coke and Krispy Kreme […]

/I’m gonna apologize ahead of time for any sudden transition to lapslock, it’s become a habit. Me: a queer dfab Chinese-American teen who likes to sing (but can’t sing high notes and can only kinda sorta sing low) Noteworthy MC: a queer Chinese-American teen girl who likes to sing (and can’t sing high notes but […]

I have to be honest with you all. I was in the middle of the worst reading slump when I picked this book up. I almost lost all hope that I may not be able to finish it, but here I am. And yes, I am proud to say that this lovely book cured that […]

This is nothing like your average YA book. It’s not about the Chosen Ones- the ‘indie kids’ who are part of all the action and excitement and drama. Instead, The Rest Of Us Just Live Here is about the characters who blend into the background, who could care less about immortals and zombie deers and the mysterious happenings going on in […]

Excited is an understatement for when I heard that Julie and Mark were co-authoring a book. This was way back when Halfway Perfect was still in the works. Now that it’s been out for months and now that I’ve finally read it, I can say it was well worth the wait and anticipation. It’s no secret that I’m a fan […]

The Jock And The Fat Chick sounded exactly like a contemporary romance book that I could enjoy. I’m all for opposites attract stories and I was more than happy to read about girls with different body types. I was hoping for something like The DUFF but I was a little letdown. Don’t get me wrong- it’s an okay […]

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