Singapore Adventures: A Book Blogger Meetup

Meeting fellow book bloggers is always a joy. These are my people after all. So imagine how happy I was when I finally met Joséphine of Word Revel, my blog twin from Singapore. In one awesome afternoon, we visited Library@Orchard, ate fantastic ice cream and explored the artsy Haji Lane and colorful Arab Street. 

Book Haul #43: MIBF + Birthday Books

September went by fast. In comparison, my wallet emptied almost just as quick then. I feel like I bought ALL the books last month. Probably not really, but I did buy quite a lot. In this book haul, you’ll mainly find my purchases from the 36th Manila International Book Fair and my birthday week, alongside my single book […]

Something Exciting Is Coming… Keep Calm and Carry On

PH Book Bloggers are brewing something exciting for Rainbow Rowell fans next week. As y’all know, Carry On is due to be released on October 6, 2015. You bet we’ll be throwing a bookish party to celebrate Simon and Baz’s surely epic story being released! In collaboration with National Book Store and St. Martin’s Press, […]

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