Rules for Stealing Stars by Corey Ann Haydu

Corey Ann Haydu left me completely, utterly, absolutely impressed with her Middle Grade debut and wanting to read more of the genre. Having read her other works in the YA category before, I knew she usually wrote realistic honest stories. What I didn’t expect was how raw Rules for Stealing Stars was compared to most […]

Cover Reveal: The Truth of Never by O.E. Boroni

Can love really conquer all? Although I’ve yet to read O.E. Boroni’s Never Trilogy, I’m very excited to share the awesome cover of the final book- The Truth Of Never! I adore the typography in this one and love that it’s illustrated! Check it out for yourself~ Synopsis: Thirteen years ago, Lenora Baker and Nathan Roque […]

Support Stay Bookish for #Bloggys2015 Philippine Blogging Awards

I’m honored to formally announce on the blog that Stay Bookish was nominated for the Bloggys 2015 Philippine Blogging Awards for the Fiction and Literature category and successfully made it to the voting stage! For those of you who follow me on Twitter or have visited the blog recently, you may have seen my updates regarding […]

Finding Depth Through Reading

“We rarely find depth by looking inside of ourselves for it. Depth is found in what we can learn from the people and things around us. Everyone, everything, has a story… When you learn those stories, you learn experiences that fill you up, that expand your understanding. You add layers to your soul.” Awhile back, […]

99 Days by Katie Cotugno

Katie Cotugno’s debut novel, How To Love, was one of my favorite novels in 2013 and I was so psyched to hear about her new book. She excels in writing very complicated stories that I enjoy and I can definitely say her sophomore novel is just as messy but captivating. “I don’t know how I became this […]

Singapore Adventures: 5 Must-Visit Bookstores

As someone who is both enthusiastic about books and travelling, it goes without saying that I always want to check out the bookstores of the places I visit. It doesn’t always happen though because I tend to get caught with sightseeing, especially during a family trip, but since my recent Singapore trip was mostly mine […]

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