My Heart & Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga

There’s something about sad beautiful hopeful books that I can never shake off- Jasmine Warga’s debut novel, being one of them. Maybe it’s because it somehow makes me think about life and humanity among many other things. Maybe it’s because the characters and the words crawl into my heart, light it up with a spark […]

Book Haul #32: So Much Love

I always love book hauls, but I really love this book haul in particular. I’ve got seven books (awesome number, mind you) and while this won’t count as one of those epic (read: massive) hauls, it’s pretty epic in its essence. Signed books and exciting titles YAY! Bought/Gifted The Boy Next Door by Katie Van Ark Let’s Get […]

Quote Book: Slammed Series by Colleen Hoover

I mentioned before that I’ll be sharing romantic quotes from books this February- which brings us to this post. I’m featuring one of my most beloved (and also one of the most quotable) New Adult romance authors- the ever amazing Colleen Hoover- and her Slammed series. I’ve made one quote poster each for Point of Retreat and This Girl, […]

Love, Lucy by April Lindner

Love, Lucy by April Lindner Published January 27th 2015 by Poppy Purchase on The Book Depository ・ Amazon Synopsis: While backpacking through Florence, Italy, during the summer before she heads off to college, Lucy Sommersworth finds herself falling in love with the culture, the architecture, the food…and Jesse Palladino, a handsome street musician. After a whirlwind romance, Lucy […]

Hello, Goodbye: January 2015 Recap

Hello there, awesome book nerds! The first month of 2015 passed by so quickly but it was pretty great and I’m hoping this mont will be too. Let me share what I’ve been up to last January and what I’m looking forward to this Feb!   Graphics made by the lovely Georgie of What She Reads Hello, February It’s the […]

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

As a part of the official international blog tour for Victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen, I’m excited not only to be sharing my review but also a special Q&A with the author herself! But first, here’s what you need to know about RED QUEEN: Books like Red Queen remind me of how a great fantasy world can […]

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