Cover Reveal: Anne & Henry by Dawn Ius + Giveaway
Hello, my bibliophile darlings! Today, I’m helping reveal the cover for a historical retelling of Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII’s story, aptly named Anne & Henry! Exciting, right? Go check out the cover!
Fall Like Rain by Ana Tejano + Giveaway
I think we’ve already established in this blog that my favorite kind of romances are the ones that start out as friendships. Fall Like Rain is a classic best friend romance story and I enjoyed a whole lot. I was excited to read it when I first heard about it, not just because of its […]
Hello, Goodbye: October 2014 Recap
(c) Elegance and Enchantment Hello, November November means semestral break’s over *pouty face* so I’m a little bummed. I guess I can look at it as a step closer to christmas vacation though.. #stayingpositive! Anyway, November’s bound to be exciting because I’m joining NaNoWriMo! I know, I’m shocked too. I’m not much of an aspiring writer but I […]