Being Friends With Boys by Terra Elan McVoy

Girls being friends with boys shouldn’t be so complicated. However, more often than not, it is. Charlotte has always done fine, hanging out with the boys in the band she manages. She’s always been there for them, writing songs, and giving them girl advice but never talking about her own boy problems. She’s never actually […]

Novel Portraits: iPhoneography Roundup #2

Novel Portraits is a weekend feature where I showcase book photography! Photography is my second most favourite hobby next to reading! A love child of the two dearest things to me- book photography is awesome and thus demands a segment on the blog. To read more about the feature, check out the introductory post for Novel Portraits. Recents […]

Becca Fitzpatrick in Manila 03/29/2014

Hush, Hush was one of the series that got me in to the paranormal genre and I have Becca Fitzpatrick to thank for that. When I heard about her upcoming event in Manila, I knew I was going to be there for sure. The Bloggers Forum event with Becca last week turned out to be such a […]

The Chapel Wars by Lindsey Leavitt

The first time I ever read Lindsey Leavitt, which was when I picked up her novel, Going Vintage, I knew I’d be reading her again sometime. Having read The Chapel Wars now, I realize that Lindsey Leavitt nails ‘light contemporary’ right on the mark. Her books are a wonderful mix of funny, sweet and enjoyable, […]

What Readers Want In A Book

We’ve spent most of our lives as a reader, a book lover. Thousands and thousands of pages after, we’ve read a lot of books- some we liked, some we loved, some we’ve already forgotten. Just reading words could be relatively easy but truly living a book, really experiencing it, takes effort. As a reader, we […]

Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaira

There are books that make you see the beauty and power of words and at the same time make you at a loss for them. Love Letters To The Dead was just that. It left me tongue tied, heavy-hearted yet amazed and inspired. Every time we speak, there is a voice. There is that world […]

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