Story Soundtrack: Through The Ever Night by Veronica Rossi

Story Soundtrack is where I feature a book and a song that I think embodies its story. Hi, everyone! It’s time to present another soundtrack here on the blog! For today, I’m featuring Through The Ever Night, the second book in the Under The Never Sky series. I recently fell in love with this series so […]

Through The Ever Night by Veronica Rossi

“Now that was so much better!”  was the first thought that popped in to my head after reading Through The Ever Night. While the first book, Under The Never Sky, was an awesome read for me, my absolute like for Veronica Rossi’s writing grew even more with this second book. Elaborating on that is pretty hard […]

Blog Tour: Landry Park by Bethany Hagen

Madeline Landry is the heiress to the most renown estate in a futuristic Kansas City. Being the only daughter of the most powerful man in the gentry and a descendant of the incredible scientist who changed gentry history, she has many responsibilities- running the property, finding a husband and keeping on their lineage. With all […]

Book Haul #13: Belated 2013 Books

Natalie Whipple – Transparent Melissa Keil – Life In Outerspace (Won from Oops! I Read A Book Again!) Trish Doller – Something Like Normal (Bought) Shamini Flint – The Undone Years Joanna Philbin – The Daughters   David Levithan – Everyday (Signed + Won from The Paper Sea!) Marie Lu – Legend (Gifted by Elyssa!) First book haul post of 2014, hooray! The books above […]

Review: Heartbeat by Elizabeth Scott

At this point, I’ve read most of Elizabeth Scott’s books but none of them was able to touch my heart and gut me like Heartbeat. Many books have tried to grasp the concept and the feeling of grief but only few actually manage to. I can say with assurance that this book is one of […]

What It Takes To Have A Successful Book Blog

As 2013 came to an end, while doing some reflections on my accomplishments through the year, my book blog came to mind. But a question nagged at me- ‘Has my book blog been successful in the short time it has been in existence?’ So I got to thinking, or rather, asking myself: What does it […]

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