Things I Can’t Forget by Miranda Kenneally

Things I Can't Forget

“I peek over at him, I begin to understand that he probably won’t forget me, that he thinks there’s something inside me worth knowing.” Kate is working as a camp counselor for the summer. After so many years, here in camp, is where she meets again the boy who gave her her first kiss. (He’s […]

Book Haul #1

I have this disease called impulsive book shopping. When I leave a bookstore, I either leave empty handed or loaded. If it’s the first, that means I was able to keep myself in control or I was drastically poor. If it’s the latter- well it doesn’t really matter, does it? I’d be a happy girl […]

Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill

Book Review - Meant To Be

Julia and Jason are complete opposites. Julia is a pencil-bringing, Shakespeare-loving, geese-hating, rule-abiding control freak. Jason, on the other hand, is a fairytale non-believer and an absolute joker who enjoys cartwheeling down the streets. When these two get paired up as “buddies” during a London field trip, you’d think they would be resentful in each […]

A certain love for books

Books are a big part of my life. Ever since I was a kid, I loved reading books. (I’m not exaggerating or being dramatic. I have a letter from my preschool teacher that serves as proof that I’m a true blue bibliophile even when I was young.) As I grew up, I kept the habit […]

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